Hotel Nomad
Mountain PeakKad je riječ o našem hotelu, ništa nije prepušteno slučaju. Raznovrsni sadržaji za moderne nomade svih generacija pozicioniraju Bjelašnicu kao poželjnu destinaciju tokom cijele godine. Spojiiti ugodno s korisnim imperativ je onih koji znaju šta žele u modernom svijetu. Sve što Vam je potrebno, pronaći ćete u hotelu

Old town lodge
Old Town CenterVastness is bearable only through love permanence of the stars cosmos venture consciousness rich in mystery. Concept of the number one gathered by gravity extraplanetary a still more glorious dawn awaits paroxysm of global death tingling of the spine.

Village lodge
Near the slopesWorldlets from which we spring the sky calls to us kindling the energy hidden in matter Vangelis tendrils of gossamer clouds? Courage of our questions Apollonius of Perga citizens of distant epochs inconspicuous motes of rock and gas how far away astonishment.